ReCover Evanston
In 2020, Evanston Health and Human Services issued an order requiring all persons working in or patronizing “essential businesses and operations,” as defined in the Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order, to wear cloth face coverings. The city partnered with the student-run nonprofit Lending for Evanston and Northwestern Development (LEND) to collect and distribute donations and small loans to assist local business owners during this difficult time.
To generate awareness of this public health emergency, I created a poster campaign to help promote positive public behavior and minimize the potential spread of the virus so that Evanston can return to operating their businesses safely. Working with local photographers and designers, I created a series of portraits of Evanston business owners wearing face coverings superimposed with typographic messages referencing their business and driving people to visit the microsite. The series of posters became highly requested by Evanston local businesses, and still hang in local storefronts.